Hedgehog in the cage FANTOM


The legendary TV series "The Mystery of a puzzle" was first aired in December 24, 1969. To mark the 50th anniversary of the serie release a new Hedgehog in a cage was made. The hedgehog was named after a mysterious figure of the Shadow district FANTOM alias Širokko that also decorates a box with the hedgehog. The package includes a black handmade leather bag. This Hedgehog has a black polished cage complemented by two stainless steel rings in its fronts. Following the Foglar's model, this metal hedgehog has 14 very sharp spines. These are placed asymmetrically, creating a new difficult principle that will not allow you to liberate this unscrewable hedgehog easily. The puzzle has the only possible solution.



Puzzle parameters

difficulty 1-5:

dimensions: 47 x 80 mm
material: metal – polished black steel, stainless steel
weight: 192 g

number of spines: 14

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- including a gift box and leather bag

- the cage is made from one piece

- retro design



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